The Impossibility of Italian Politics – The American Interest

Christian Democracy, Fascism, Eurocommunism (“communism with a human face”) and a Trump-anticipating rule by a randy property-and-media mogul, Silvio Berlusconi, were all wholly or largely developed in Italy. The two forces now vying for the country’s leadership, the Five Star Movement and the Lega (“League”) are, in turn, the first party formed and run on the internet with a comedian-turned political blogger in charge of its ideology; and a party which created a non-existent region—Padania—in the north of

Source: The Impossibility of Italian Politics – The American Interest

Populist parties surge in Italian election

Populist parties have gained ground at the expense of establishment voices in Italy’s parliamentary elections, which produced no clear winner as votes were being counted in the early hours of Monday.

The anti-establishment Five Star Movement is projected to have gained the most votes by a single party, while a center-right coalition looks set to hold the most seats in the country’s senate.

Ultime ore per votare dall’estero per elezioni politiche italiane

Ultimi due giorni per votare per gli italiani residenti all’estero. I voti dei connazionali, infatti, dovranno arrivare nei Consolati entro le 16.00 (ora locale) di giovedì 1° marzo. Le schede votate saranno quindi inviate in Italia, dove saranno scrutinate – insieme ai voti degli italiani in Italia – domenica sera a partire dalle 23.00 alla chiusura dei seggi.


Source: Ultime ore per votare dall’estero per elezioni politiche italiane